Spinach “All Green” (5607BHT)
ปวยเล้ง : Spinach

Variety Characteristics

Stalks and leaves are light green, plants are about 15-20 cms high.

Soil and Climate

Prefers sandy loam soil with good drainage, likes full sun. Best grown in the cool season starting November.


Planting Suggestions

Prepare bed about 1 meter wide and as long as desired.  Use a hoe to break the soil throughout the plot to the depth of the hoe blade.  Add compost or aged manure and mix in throughout the bed. Use a stick to make furrows about 2 cm deep for seeding in the bed lengthwise.  Can make 2 furrows.   Then carefully seed in the furrows and cover with compost or aged manure.  Water to moisten the soil.  At 20 -25 days, thin out seedling that are too close together and fertilizer again with compost.  (After, observe root formation to see if enough fertility if not may fertilize again)

Ideal planting distance: 5  cm x 30 cm between plants and rows. Likes full sun.


Fertilization:  1st time while preparing the bed before seeding.  2nd time at 20-25 day.  Use compost or aged manure. (observe the crop to see if enough fertility if not may fertilize again)

Weeding and loosening the soil:  When needed, weed and also loosen the soil around the plants.

Watering: Should water evenly in the right amount, not leaving them dry or over watering (observe the planting soil).


Pests and Diseases

No pest or disease problems observed yet.



Can start harvesting the spinach from 30-35 days after seeding


Seed Saving
For seed saving we have no details as of yet.  When cultivating a first time, the spinach did not flower.  While we need to try again, it looks likely that it may require colder conditions than are found in most of Thailand