Varietal Characteristics
White crunchy fruits, heavy fruiting, can harvest more than one year. Hardy plant. (In Thai cusine fruit are normally eaten fruit when raw and crunchy. They are served with other vegetables and nam prik (Thai chili dip).
Species : Solanum melongena
Soil and Climate
Prefers sandy loam soil with good drainage. Likes full sun.
Planting Suggestions
Soak the seeds for one night. Then keep them in a cloth in the shade until the roots germinate. The germinated seeds can be directly planted in the plot or started in planting trays. If started in planting trays, transplant to the prepared field at about 1 month
Ideal planting distance: 50 cm x 50 cm between plants and rows.
Fertilization : 1st time at 35- 40 days and then again at 55- 60 days (after harvesting the first set of fruit). Use compost or aged manure. (observe the crop to see if enough fertility if not may fertilize again)
Watering : Should water evenly in the right amount, not leaving them dry or over watering (observe the planting soil).
Pests and Diseases : No disease problems found. Some minor problems with worms attacking the fruits (borers). In such case may spray wood vinegar solution and should remove and discard fruits that have been attacked so the plant will not send nutrients to these fruits.
Can start harvesting the eggplants from 55- 60 days after seeding.
Seed Saving
From about 35 days after seeding, the plants will start to flower. They will not all blossom at the same time. The fruit will be fully mature from about 70 days and they can be gradually harvested for seed. When the fruits are ready to harvest for seed, they will be all yellow in colour. After harvesting, the fruit should then be left in the shade 2-3 days to fully ripen. The fruit then should be massaged to allow for easy release of the seeds from the fruits. Then cut the fruits and remove the seeds (if well massaged, they can be squirted out easily). Then clean the seeds in a bucket of water. The good seeds will fall to the bottom. Throw away floating seeds. Then use a screen tray to wash the good seeds again. Allow these seed to drip dry before drying them in the sun (should dry the seeds on a cloth). Dry 3-4 days. Check that the seeds are clean again, then pack them in paper bags. Bags should be marked with the name of the variety, day, month, and year of harvest. Fold this paper bag and put into a plastic bag. Keep in the refrigerator for better longterm germination and minimal seed respiration. If so stored, can keep for over 2 years.
Note : Eggplants can be trimmed after the first harvest using garden clippers. This will prompt the plant to produce a second crop of eggplants.