Variety Characteristics
Pod is purple, crunchy and sweet, more meat than with the striped bush beans. Large seeds good for using in cooking as well. Grows as a bush with some climbing ability. Easy to grow, productive, can be grown in all seasons.
Soil and Climate
Likes (full) sun and soil that drains well. Does not like flooding.
Planting Suggestions
Can be grow in rice fields after the rice harvest or in a garden. Growing after the rice harvest, one may sow seeds on the field and then plow them in or plow first and then sow one by one. (These methods make for easy harvesting). For garden growing, should make a hole add one handful of compost or aged manure and plant 2-3 seeds per hole. Spacing should be about 50 cm between plantings. With this method can allow the plants to trellis (climb) as well.
No special care needed, only as mentioned about provide some compost or manure before planting.
Pests and Diseases
Aphids (Aphis craccivora), mealy bugs, and bean pod borers.
45- 60 days after seeding
Seed Saving
Striped bush beans “Seua Pran” at about 60 days pods will turn light brown (rice straw colored). Let them dry on the bush and then collect the pods and sundry them 2-3 days. Once fully dry, use your feet or a stick to crush the pods and get the seeds out. Keep the seeds in a covered area that is room temperature or in a bottle. If keep in the pods, there will be problems with borers and fungus. If exposed to moisture the seed may only be kept for one year.