Variety Characteristics: Flowers are yellow. Wide body. Big ruffled light green leaves wrap the head.
Soil and Climate: Prefers sandy loam soil with good drainage, best grown in winter (Thailand)
Planting Suggestions: Start seedings in a planting tray. Before the seedlings are too large (at about 20-25 days) plant out the seedlings. Preparing the planting hills. For each planting hill in the plot mix in compost or aged manure to prepare the soil. Put one seedling per hill. After transplanting 5-7 days and again at 20-25 days fertilze again with compost or aged manure. Then continue to observe if fertilization is needed up to head formation)
Ideal planting distance: 40 cm X 40 cm. Likes full sun.
Fertilization: 1st time while preparing the bed before transplant. 2nd time at 7-14 days after transplanting. Use compost or aged manure. (observe the crop to see if enough fertility if not may fertilize again)
Weeding and loosening the soil: When needed, weed and also loosen the soil around the forming root heads.
Watering: Should water evenly in the right amount, not leaving them dry or over watering (observe the planting soil)
Pests and Diseases: Some problems with stem rot. In such cases pull and discard these plants. For pests some attacks by cabbage flea beetles and catepillars. Can remove manually or used herbal pesticide every 5-7 days.
Harvesting: From 30 days can start harvesting
Seed Saving: At 90 days seed pods will start turning yellow to brown. Gradually cut the plants in bunches and use a bamboo strip to tie. Use a sack when drying to prevent loss of seeds. Sun dry 2-3 days. Once dry shake and rub in a sack to remove the seeds from the stalks. Then use a paper to fan away foreign matter and dust. Then use a fine meshed screen to sort out the seeds. Keep in a paper bag marked with the name of the variety, day, month, and year of harvest. Fold this paper bag and put into a plastic bag. Keep in the refrigerator for better longterm germination and minimal seed respiration. If so stored, can keep for over 2 years.