Contact Us

Green Net

Green Net is a social business enterprise. Working to promote organic farming and fair trade. Green Net Cooperative is comprised of three divisions Greennet. Earth Net Foundation Green and Nate BSE Limited.

Earth Net Foundation A major role in supporting the production of organic farming to the farmers as well as provide technical consultation with other agencies.  Domestic and foreign

Green Net Cooperative Limited  has a major role in the distribution. Products produced organic farmer members.

Nate Green BSE Ltd.  is an exclusive partnership with the private sector. To promote and market the organic coffee. Grown in agroforestry projects. Preserving forests, watersheds and environment. Building sustainable communities, farmers in the watershed area.

Want to know more about organic farming [ Link ]
want to know more about fair trade [ Link ]
I know our work [ Link ]
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  • 6 Soi Piboonupatam-Wattana Nivej 7, Suthusarn Road,Samsen Nok, Huay-Kwang, Bangkok 10310
  • + 66 (0) 2 277 9380 – 1, (0) 2277 9653
  • + 66 (0) 2 277 9654