Seed is critical for crop cultivation. In each farming community, farmers have been selecting local breeds suitable for local climatic conditions, resistance to pests and diseases, and with good taste.
Green Net, a Thai social enterprise, has been active in the promotion of organic agriculture and fair trade in Thailand for over 20 years. All over the country, Green Net works with 20 producer groups, several of them produce organic vegetables, either for own consumption or as cash crops. This has given Green Net the opportunity to get to know hundreds of local vegetable varieties, each with its own special characteristics. Also, other sustainable agriculture networks that Green Net is collaborating with have many interesting local varieties.
In organic farming standards, farmers are required to use organic seed. However, most of the commercial seeds are from conventional farming and many of the seeds are treated with chemical pesticides, making these seeds unsuitable for organic farming.
Farm biodiversity and locally adapted varieties have been identified as tools for climate change resilience.
In 2008, Green Net initiated a organic seed programme with various learning activities and networking. Since then, we have organized knowledge collection and review, study visits, technical training, experiments, and networking facilitation. There is now an Organic Seed Network with around 10 organization members.
Green Net Organic Agriclture Center Chiang Mai was founded in 2011 by the Earth Net Foundation and Green Net Cooperative to serve as the focal point on this. The Center collects, tests, and produces organic open-pollination local vegetable seeds for sale to farmers wishing to use organic seeds in their farms as well as for consumers producing vegetables for home consumption.
Volunteer/ Learning Opportunity
Position: Organic Vegetable Seed Production/ Processing Assistant
Location: Green Net Organic Agriculture Center (OAC), Chiang Mai, located in Mae Tha Subdistrict, Mae On District, Chiang Mai, Thailand
Duration: minimum 30 days, preferred period 3 months
Starting date: Not set as production is year-round, however only one volunteer for this position can be received at any time.
Description of history, tasks, activities, etc: Volunteer will be working with experienced new-generation organic farmers and extension staff in the full production, processing, packing, and marketing of organic vegetable seed. While for a number of years, organic farmer members of Green Net have been saving seed and the network of organic/ sustainable farming groups in Thailand has had informal exchange of seed, there has been no available alternative to commercial seed on the market. Also the varieties that are saved and exchanged regularly are limited and most farmers who grow vegetables and flowers continue to buy seed, even for organic production. The quality of commercial seed is often not that high (while expensive), informal farmer traded seed normally is not tested for quality and varietal information may be limited. Thus Green Net saw a clear need and opportunity to develop production and marketing of quality organic open pollenated (OP) seed. The serious work on this began 3 years ago under the coordination of our longterm staff Ms. Mattana Aphaimool. She continues to coordinate the project and OAC. Now the project is successful and Earth Net Foundation has introduced packaged organic vegetable seed to the market. Now the OAC with its experience and development of a set of practical, inexpensive, and appropriate practices is becoming a center for learning on organic seed. Of course while there is much to learn from us, Earth Net practices continuous learning and expects to continue to develop its knowledge and capacity further and to help others in this endeavor.
The volunteer will help with this whole process (if there is sufficient time to see all steps) and thus learn the whole process of organic vegetable seed production for a number of different types of seeds (Soil preparation, seeding, transplanting, watering, weeding, fertilization and pest management, roguing, trellis construction, observation, harvesting, cleaning, drying, storing, germination testing, retail packing, marketing etc.). Earth Net is looking for volunteers with serious interest and some prior experience in organic seed production/ processing/ marketing, and thus hopes to gain some new ideas and techniques from the volunteers received as well.
Aside from the core work on seed, the volunteer will be living in a Thai village with many strong organic farmers and thus have exposure to many organic farming practices, as well as Northern Thai culture and cuisine. A volunteer with interest and sufficient time may also learn about some of the many other interesting areas of work in Mae Tha such as: community forestry, farmer cooperatives, organic grower group certification, Thai organic farmers’ market/ CSA systems, farmer extension work, etc.
Requirements/ Desired: Must be interested in organic seed production. Must be in good health and interested/ able to work on a farm in tropical conditions. Must be interested to experience living in Thai village conditions, eating home-grown organic Thai food, ok to adjust to Thai culture and live where only a couple people speak decent English. It is preferred that the volunteer has prior experience related to organic seed or at least organic farming experience. The volunteer should be someone who is both comfortable working with others and able to work for periods of time alone as tasks may be separated. Thai life is much more community-oriented than is common in Europe or the USA. While the volunteer will be provided a private room, most meals and activities with be shared with others. A volunteer who is interested and open to learning some Thai will also probably have an easier time and more fun as he or she will be able to communicate with many more people.
Terms: The volunteer will need to cover all costs to get to the placement location (international travel, travel in Thailand, visa cost, etc) The volunteer must obtain a travel insurance policy to cover him/ herself during the period of placement. At the placement location, normally the OAC will provide free food, lodging, and sharing of knowledge in exchange for the knowledge and assistance of the volunteer. Lodging means a private bedroom with electricity and basic furnishings (no air conditioning, however fan is available). Other facilities are shared as part of the family home. Internet service is not freely available. However mobile phone service is and one may bring/ obtain a USB modem or visit the Coop to connect there. Meals that are covered are meals eaten at the center or with the host family. If the volunteer takes time off or eats out, and for incidental expenses, this is the responsibility of the volunteer to cover. For a placement of 1 month, unless the volunteer has clearly valuable prior experience in organic seed, the volunteer will be asked to contribute $200 USD toward food and lodging. For placements of 2 months or longer, no contribution is expected. While the farm never sleeps and activities happen every day, a volunteer is normally expected to contribute 5 full days a week but may take time off to learn in other areas, relax, rest, and travel.