IFOAM Asia was firest found in 1995 at the Asian regional meeting of organic agriculture organizations in Korea. But in 2005, IFOAM Asia was de-registered due to organizational mis-management. Since then, several regional networks were found to coordinate the movements such as Certification Alliance (regional platform for collaboration of organic certification bodies in Asia) or the informal network of Organic Asia Forum of National Organic Associations. These networks from time to time organize own or regional activities, making the regional collaboration alives despite formal regional structure.
During the IFOAM Organic World Congress in 2011, the Korean organic groups expressed interest to revitalize IFOAM Asia. Two preparatory meetings were organized, one in early June 2012 in Korea and another in early October 2012 in the Philippines. These had led to the formation of IFOAM Asia when the formation contract was signed between IFOAM Asia and the IFOAM Executive Director on 8 January 2013.
The interim Board of IFOAM Asia plan to begin its works with membership recruitment, activity and financial planning, and then to organize the first General Meeting, tentatively scheduled for May 2013. Currently, the Korean Federation of Sustainable Agriculture Organizations (KFSA) offers its supports through housing the IFOAM Asia secretariat office.